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Hire a Youth Pastor

We're located at 101 Edgewood Avenue Clemson, SC 29631

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Our church…

  • is Presbyterian (PCUSA)
  • has an average worship attendance of 250

Fort Hill Presbyterian Church

Glorify God, Grow Disciples, Meet Human Need. We work to accomplish this through worship, programming for children through adults and mission outreach in our community and the world.

Church description

Fort Hill Presbyterian Church was established in 1895 to serve Clemson College students and faculty. In 2024, Fort Hill serves people of all ages throughout our larger community.

This is a non-ordained position working for the growth of disciples from our youngest through elementary school, and in collaboration with the Associate Pastor for Congregational Life, for our middle school youth(6th-8th grade.) In collaboration with the A/P for Congregational Life and the Children's Ministry Team the person in this position will develop, communicate and implement the programming for our youngest disciples.

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