We're located at 2490 Grove Way, Castro Valley, CA 94546
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- is Presbyterian (PCUSA)
- has an average worship attendance of 100
First Presbyterian Church of Hayward
To be a multicultural, multi-lingual, multigenerational community that strives to live out the radical mission of Jesus in the Eden neighborhood and beyond.
Church description
FirstPres Hayward strives to be a multicultural, multi-lingual, multigenerational community that lives out the radical mission of Jesus in the Eden neighborhood and beyond. Guided by our core beliefs and a commitment to anti-racist practices, we seek to fulfill our mission by serving our community through our four areas of ministry: Community Outreach (homeless shelters, food pantry, recovery ministries, and more), Community Life (congregational ministry engagement), HGG Daycare Center, and The Chabot Theater.
Jobs posted by First Presbyterian Church of Hayward
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