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We're located in Richmond, VA

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Our church…

  • is Episcopal

Shrine Mont Camps

Church description

The Episcopal Diocese of Virginia is made up of 173 churches with more than 68,000 members spanning from Northern Virginia to the James River, from the Shenandoah Valley to the Chesapeake Bay. The diocese is committed to discipleship and formation, racial justice and healing, and vocation and call through an inclusive faith that welcomes all on their journey in Christ. Shrine Mont Camps is a key discipleship ministry of the diocese, dedicated to the faith formation of young people, as reflected in its mission statement: “The Diocese of Virginia’s summer camp program at Shrine Mont promotes the emotional and spiritual development of children, youth, and young adults through the fostering of a safe and positive environment for all. It is the goal of this program to encourage the growth of relationships with self, others, and God.”

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