I live in Baltimore, MD, and am willing to relocate.
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- Unspecified
I would like to work at a…
- Presbyterian (EPC) church
- Presbyterian (PCUSA) church
- Non-denominational church
Tim eisemann's résumé
Last updatedI am a strong believer in the next generation and God's desire for a relationship with them. I love to connect students with other students and do collaborations and retreats so students have opportunities to step outside their day to day and be present.
Fork Christian Church- Middle school ministries
(2 years)
Kingsville, MD
- I learned how to lead a ministry and small groups
Summers Best 2 Weeks- Camp ministry Councilor
(2 summers)
Boswell, PA
- I led kids to Christ through athletics and competition
Church of the Good Samaritan- Youth ministry Intern
(1.5 years)
Paoli, PA
- I lead worship
- I lead small groups
- I gave sermons/ talks
Liberti Church- Next Gen Intern
(4 months)
Wayne, PA
- I built Youth Ministry from scratch that reflected the Gospel and the church's values.
- I lead worship
- I got connected with other churches and organizations for mixers and outings.
Kingsville Elementary School- Elementary
Kingsville, MD
PHCS (Perry hall Christian school)- Middle and High
Perry Hall, MD
- I learned more Christian values
- Athletics all years
- led worship on Thursday chapels
Eastern University- College
Wayne, PA
- Bachelors degree in Ministry Leadership
- I played on a few worship teams for clubs
- I am very enthusiastic and energetic inside and outside the church building.
- I have a very strong drive and desire to share Gods love.
- I have obtained a well defined sense of contextualization.
- I am knollegable in different ways of expressing an idea.
- I communicate well with adults and parents.
- I am not the most organized, but have a good work ethic.
- I am respectful in disagreement and listen well.
Additional information
I grew up non denominational in a loving christian family but through my schooling experience and real world experience. I have come to the solid value that I will choose God above any label or denomination.
I love and respect tradition, but I grew up with the phrase, "God 1st, Others 2nd, I'm 3rd".